crystals buying guide for beginners

Crystals Buying Guide for Beginners

Crystals have been used for centuries in various cultures for different purposes. They are now being rediscovered by modern-day science too. It is no wonder why so many people are becoming crystal enthusiasts these days.

When it comes to buying crystals for the first time, there is certainly a lot to know about what you're getting into as well as how best to do so. Read on to learn more.

What are Crystals?

So, what are crystals, exactly? Well, they're minerals with specific and unique crystalline structures that exhibit a variety of shapes and colors. They come in varieties, too — some are clear, while others have a distinct tint.

Different crystals are formed under different temperatures and different pressures. Using crystals for divination, healing, and other rituals has been a part of human culture for thousands of years. There are hundreds of types of crystals. Some are rare, and some are abundant. Each type of crystal can serve different purposes.

7 Types of crystals you can buy

Rose Quartz

As the name suggests, rose quartz is a pink stone known for its ability to guide the energy of love in your life. This crystal aids in restoring harmony and trust in relationships, enhance connections, encourage respect, trust, self-worth, and self-love, and provide comfort in times of grief.

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is a white crystal that some consider a master healer. You can use it to amplify and balance your energy and improve your concentration and memory. Often, this gem is paired with other crystals, such as rose quartz, to enhance their offering.


The Amethyst stone is purple and is used for healing, protection, and purification. It can help to bring forth sincerity, humility, and spiritual wisdom, remove negative thoughts, aid sleep, and promote healthy choices.


Jasper is a smooth crystal known for its nurturing abilities. It is especially useful when tackling important issues. This stone empowers your spirit and supports you through stressful times, promotes courage, quick and critical thinking, and confidence. You can also use it as a shield against negative vibes.


The obsidian stone is believed to be big on protection and cleansing negative energies and blockages. You can use this stone to digest emotions and experiences to shield yourself from emotional and physical negativity, eliminate emotional blockages, promote qualities of compassion, strength, and clarity, and find your true sense of self.

Tiger’s eye

This golden stone packs the energy you need to boost your motivation, bring harmony and balance to your life, guide your decision-making, and rid your mind of negative emotions of fear, anxiety, and self-doubt.


This last crystal on our list of common crystals is associated with royalty and wisdom. Sapphire is known to attract peace, happiness, and prosperity, promote positive vibes, clear your vision, and open your mind to intuition and beauty.

Tips for buying Crystals

Most of crystal stores are online-based. This makes it much easier to get exactly what you want when you want it.

You don't have to be a crystal expert to buy crystals. As long as you know what type you want and buy from a trustworthy store, you'll be fine.

Ensure that the crystals you buy are natural and cleansed. This makes sure that they do not contain any harmful substances which can negatively affect your growth and health. All Metamorphidi crystals are Nature, Reiki, and Hertz music charged. They undergo energy cleansing for more than 1 moon cycle (28 days) upon arrival.

Make sure that the store you're buying from has received sufficient accreditation. This is because it shows that they are selling genuine crystals.


Crystals are a powerful divinatory tool that can be used for different purposes. Buying authentic crystals you need can be tricky, given the wide varieties from which to choose and the upcropping of fakes.

If you're new to the world of crystals, it helps to know what types you want and what are available. The most important thing is to find a trustworthy vendor that sells cleansed, natural crystals.

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